Friday, April 30, 2010

Delayed, distracted and de-railed...but back...more regularly...I am sure !

Trying to scribe words, even on the phantom notebook of a blog, just wasnt in the cards earlier this month. But dinner with Paolo and a few bottles of wine inspired me. Well, actually it was his stories about his father-in-law which motivated me and inspired me. "Candy" is Paolo's wife's father, in his early 70's and sharp as a tack. A hard working man whose entire working life in Canada has been as a painter, a house, office and whatever painter...not an artistic one! But he works hard and gets antsy if he isnt working, isnt doing another painting job for someone. He used to work with his other son-in-law but the partnership seemed to be slanted more toward Candy than the son-in-law, in terms of who would do the majority of the work. Eventually, son-in-law2 inherited money, decided painting was no longer a job he wanted to do and chose to remain at home, day trading on the market, a task he never did before in his life but now with some spare scheckels, he actively pursued as a new pastime. I wish him luck, something much needed in this pursuit. I will have to begin writing more about this is a stereotypical Italian, 2nd generation with all the quirks, love, bickering that you would expect but a lovable bunch of people, fun to be with and a joy to behold.
Visit back again!!

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