Wednesday, May 12, 2010


DAY TWO - Rain, rain, go away! Come back another day! That  childhood ditty is one which I am singing today. What does one do in a big American city when it is raining, with no contacts, and not being a museum type when I am riding.
Well, here are my options:
Baseball game in the afternoon. I am told by the locals that they play unless it is an absoluter downpour. It isnt...YET! But I have my riding rain gear, a Godsend, my Frog Toggs. Light, water repellent, wind great...but the chief benefit is that it compresses into a very small, portable bundle even if you take the pants along which I will for the stadium. This rain gear is so good, I will be able to sit in a down pour, dry and comfy, eat my water logged hot dog, drinking my rain diluted de-potencified (huh) beer feeling sorry for myself like a near drowned puppy, abandoned and wet. Doesnt sound that bad, does it?

Second on the list is GRILL 36, a sports pub. It isnt that I am such an all out sports fan, it is just that the playoffs always mean the best teams are playing and in this case, it is the final game of the Montreal vs Pittsburgh hockey playoff series. How can this be missed? Actual tickets are not possible...not in the wildest of dreams. So a well known sports pub should do the trick...and being the lone vocally loud support of the Habs should be an adventure...kind of like Daniel in the lion's den...but lets hope the lions are not gun toting Americans !

Such are the choices on a rainy day in Pittsburgh. Life could be worse!

Visit back again !

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