Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dedicated to all those BC farmers with the great gardens !, help, help! Time to do the proper eating thing again...some call it dieting. I won't. I want to call eat "proper eating" which for me, means moderate wine drinking. Wine is my downfall! I love it, as much, if not more than any food. Unfortunately, it has a few bad effects on me: slows my metabolism, the sugar imbedes the breakdown of foods, and stimulates my hunger. So what has all this to do with the photo and my dedication opening line?
First, the photo is ROASTED TOMATOES with olive oil, garlic, onions, oregano, dried basil, S&P, roasted in a 350F oven for 1 hr. Eat it as is, as a veggie. Whip it up in a blender with cream and reheat for the best homemade cream of tomato soup you ever had. Dieters, mix it with cottage cheese, warm in a microwave for about 20 secs, delicious! And for you pasta lovers, make whatever pasta you like, spoon in as much of these roasted tomatoes as you desire, and you will have a pasta dish to knock your socks off.
Now, as to you BC home gardeners. I envy you your moderate clime. Yes, I know it rains a lot but when you get the sun, wow, do you ever have great temperatures for growing, growing veggies, fruits, produce; The Okinagan Valley, Salt Spring Island, even Sayward at the northern end of Vancouver Island. I saw some of the best gardens by far in these places and the farmers, oh so good. Blanching their beans, their peas and freezing this wonderful harvest for those long, wet Vancouver winter nights.
In any case readers, cheer me on with this renewed dedication to eating blog will go in that direction for a while and I will post my weight drops week by week. Hopefully, with your written support I may have some real LASTING success. I am down between 6-8 lbs already after just two weeks. I will keep you posted. Weekends are my downfall and this is Thursday. Danger ! Danger ! Danger !
Visit back again!

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