Monday, September 13, 2010

I found MAXINE !

I can't believe it. All of you know Maxine, of the cartoons. The old spinster who has so many good humorous observations about life. We have laughed at her comments, and often nodded our heads in agreement with what she has said or observed about life and its wonders.
Well, today I met her here in San Bartolomeo which is in the Italian Riviera. She is almost 80 years old. She rides her bike daily carrying her little pooch in the front basket. I will get some shots of it maybe today. She drives a stick shift, goes like hell. When my wife said it could be dangerous riding a bike at that age, especially here in Italy, 'Maxine' laughed and replied, "Hell, I have been hit even, landed in hospital for 3 days, stitches too. But such is life, full of tumbles and falls. Life wouldn't be life without them!" And on she goes!
She knows France and Paris like the back of her hand as her job when she was working was to turn clothing design sketches into reality, into real clothing. For this, I am certain she was well paid and lived a very good life. Now, she stays in a condo her in San Bartolomeo and suns in a bikini no less, every day when there is sun. Incredible.
Watch for more comments from Maxine as I talk with her.

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