Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tour ended...SPECTACULAR !

What a spectacular tour !

    I am back home and now resume my blogging for you motorcycle enthusiasts and friends.

    In short, the trip was so exciting, I never came down enough to do my blogging. If you had been there, you would relate to what I am saying really well.

    Now, here are just a few topics which I will be writing about in the next few weeks:

  • France, the French, their foods, their sanitation and cleanliness, their love of pets;
  • Italy, the Italians, their foods, their love of life, their affability (sympatico)
  • The summary of my motorcycle riding;
  • The wines I tasted and the vineyards in which I stood before tasting the particular wine;
  • My recipes or what I learned in my cooking classes...making your own pasta is the only way to go;
  • Comparisons: French vs cooking, in wines, in house wines, in friendliness, in foods, in tourist sites and more;
  • Some comments about motorcycle touring in groups, in Canada, in Europe, budget awareness
  • And more....
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