Wednesday, October 20, 2010

001 FISH: Trout a l'orange

Cajole your fish monger to learn how fresh the fish is. When I did this I found out that my grocery store gets fish delivered two days a week, Tues and Friday, before dawn. So those are the days I shop for fish.
And yes fellas, I do grocery shop, when my wife lets me. But it is not as often as I would like as she somehow doesn't appreciate Jalapeno potato chips or Polish sausage as much as I do. Also, she claims my final grocery bills add up much higher than hers. Well, hey man, how much can a couple of yogurt cost. Thank goodness she hasn't said anything about my LCBO shopping yet.

And another thing, she always reminds me to shop after I have eaten. Why in the world would I shop when I am not hungry. Nothing looks good then. I find when I am hungry, my shopping cart results in a lot more goodies than her's. 

And ladies, yes, I really do cook. Recipes you read here have been created and prepared by yours truly. I wish I could say I didn't eat all that I prepare, but I ask you, "How would I know if the preparations are good without eating them?" and so I eat all that I cook to ensure you get easy-to-prepare recipes which taste great.

Here’s a nice recipe for trout which enhances the light flavor of the trout with the complementary taste of oranges. A bit different than the usual lemon which most cooks expect and use. And the dish is very low in calories.

For anyone dieting, this is a delicious meal which is very healthy and light on the calorie count. Of course, skip the baked potato as seen in the photograph, something which I find very hard to do

(for 2 persons)
2   5 oz. trout filets
1 garlic bud, very finely chopped, prechopped garlic is fine
2 tbls orange marmalade, Roberston’s Thick Cut is excellent
2 pinches of dried chili flakes
1 tbls dried dill, crushed or ground
2 tbls olive oil
Salt and pepper

Cut two pieces of aluminum foil into squares about twice as large as the 2 filets laid side by side and place the filets, skin side down on one of the sheets. The other sheet will be used as a cover, for heat retention.

In a bowl, mix the other ingredients and then, spoon half of the “paste” on to each filet. Salt and pepper to taste but remember you have added chili flakes already.
Simply cover the fish with the second piece of foil and place this flat preparation on a preheated barbecue directly on the grill. The temperature should be between 350-400F. The higher temperature will result in a more cooked fish. I prefer the lower temperature as I like my fish barely cooked.

Bake the fish for 5 – 6 minutes, depending on the thickness of the filets. Cooking beyond 6 minutes will be too much.

With a flat platter at hand, slide a broad spatula under the entire foiled preparation and slide it on to the platter.

To serve, discard the top tin foil, and gently slide a spatula under each piece of fish, one at a time, so as to free the filet from the skin which will have adhered to the bottom foil. If done slowly, you will have the spatula under the entire filet and can transfer it to a serving plate, leaving the skin behind stuck to the foil.

Accompany the dish with green vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus and a side salad. I like a baked potato, so 'poof' to my dietary ways!

Voila, a tasty, light trout dinner.

A viewer commented that marmalade is not a liked taste. Therefore, use HONEY instead of the marmalade but in this case, I would add more lemon peel, or even some lemon peel.

Buon appetito and visit back !

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