Saturday, October 16, 2010

RIDING ENDS...time to return to the kitchen !

The riding season is coming to a close. The temperature is dropping, the sun sets sooner, rises later. It is time of depression for the world, for many people and for me too. I will miss my riding, very much. I will the relaxation it brings me, the destressing it gives me. But as I self-examine, I find the only time I sing now is when I am in the kitchen cooking up something.
   So, it's time to switch topics in the blogging too. As many of you know, I love to cook. I am not great at it but am more of a journeyman cook. I can boil potatoes, roast a chicken, carve a turkey. But, oh...can I critique what others prepare and when I do, I come home and say I can do better and then I tackle the challenge.
   In changing the blog direction, here is what you can look forward to: recipes, some tested and true, food ideas and preparations I want to try and when I do, you will know the level of my success.
   Just so you know, my culinary repertoire includes being able to make pasta and pasta sauces, roasting meats and knowing how to carve them, making stuffed dishes with a variety of stuffings, seafood dishes, baked, fried, boiled, steamed and smoked. I will try many things once. If they work well, I will do them again and maybe again. I have many successes in my past kitchen endeavours, but likely more failures. I count as a failure any dish which doesnt get whoopy raves! And I dont give raves like that often. Might show something about my self-esteem.
   In any case, do visit back and check out some of my food preps, my recipes...some of them are really very good. Then, do send me a comment, a critique, a criticism. Let me know what you think. In that regard, I am like the princess with the pea under her mattress, it will bother me until I get it right. But believe me, I will work on it till I get it right and then you will know !
   A final thought, I think I need to also give some serious thought to "leaner" cooking as many of my dishes fit under the category of "fat has much more flavour than non-fat. Unfortunately, I am not very lean myself ! But that is another part of the story for another blog.
   Let me know what you think ...
   Visit back

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