Monday, October 25, 2010



It may be beneficial for readers to know my intended schedule and goals in doing this FOOD Blog.

I will aim to post something new TWICE a week, Tuesday and Thursday. In that way, readers will grow to expect new posts regularly and can stay on top of my blogs more easily. Besides recipes, I also would like to include reviews and comments on kitchen products, foods, utensils, cooking methods and much more. Eventually, I am certain I will find my more narrowed subject areas and will stick with them. For now, I am using a broad brush and broad strokes as I determine what my areas of interest are.

I mention my "AGENDA" because readers should know what my objectives are in doing this blog. I love cooking and am OK at it, though I like to think I am better than I really am. This is a more highly inflated self opinion than is true because I like to think my food is very well prepared but as my wife underlines, I am far better at presentation than preparation. I do not do many kitchen things well: baking, ethnic foods, sauces, appetizer variety, and more. Also, I am terrible at low fat cooking as my cooking philosophy holds that fat means flavour. Hence, I use lots of olive oil and butter in much of my cooking. Furthermore, I am not consistent. For example, I have been making chili con carne for as long as I can remember. Never have I made the same recipe twice. So if you were to ask for my chili recipe, I would be hard pressed to give you a good one. In that vein, I would love to have a good chili recipe, but again, please, those of you who make one with no meat or a low fat one. Sorry, but I still believe no fat = no taste. No meat means no substance !

But please do send me comments, ideas, what you would like to see more of, less of. I would appreciate your feedback (couldnt resist that one !). Most importantly, do send you recipes for me to try. I will post my results, my opinions and comments about them.

Finally, some commentators have posted without a name or anonymously. I appreciate your desire for privacy and will not reveal what I shouldnt. Be aware, I get more detailed information about comments "behind the scenes".  However, I would like to acknowledge people publicly when I can and when it is right to do so. So if you comment, please choose whether you wish to be anonymous or not.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you.

Visit back !

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