Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My COOKING / FOOD sites and my computer paranoia !

It's time to let my readers know what I think about my blogging and internet use in relation to giving credit where credit is due.

As a freelance writer, I know the challenges and difficulties that come with this territory:

                   need for inspirition
                   writing, re-writing, editing, and
                   finding information
                                                                         being original and much more

And then you need to keep your ego intact after being criticized and lambasted for how you wrote something.

However there are rewards: satisfaction that you are creating something yourself, an original piece of writing, and perhaps something that will entertain and inform others. But very importantly, to me is getting positive feedback and I am grateful to all of you who have made comments and written me feedback.

My paranoia is that I fear "stealing" someone's work. I do not intend that ever. I give credit everywhere I can, everywhere where I remember to do so. If I omit someone, it is an oversight likely to forgetting. I apologize to any I may have omitted. I still strive and will continue to try to give all the credit that others deserve.

Here is a list of my FOOD RELATED SITES which I have collected and use
www.foodtimeline.org  A great history of food site, editor Lynne Olver
www.diannej.com/blog  Just a fun site for a freelance writer, though there are notes relating to food
www.cherylsternmanrule.com A food writer who lives in my favourite city in Calif, Santa Barbara
www.lifemadedelicious.ca  Nice recipes, easy navigation and terrific photographs
www.wikihow.com         This is great "how to" site. I struggle with "how to" do things but I get some things done thanks to my brother-in-law or thanks to this web site
www.easy-chicken-recipe-ideas.com   This site is authored by a Pole, Monika Fraczek, a fellow Pole, my people, and her chicken recipes inspire me into cooking chicken and creating my own variations to her great original recipes.

Those are the sites I use most often right now. As my list changes again, significantly, I will update this note.

I thank the editors and authors behind those web sites for all the hard work they do and for the ideas they give me.

Hope you find this note of value and use to you in your cooking and internet exploring in relation to food.

Visit back!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blogging tip - it is sometimes hard to remember to link back to all the places you get information from. the web is so full of great information, its so easy to just get lost in it!
