Saturday, November 13, 2010


You may have to print out this page in order to write on the paper and solve the puzzle.


2.     The 'royal' meat used for making a roast.
7.     This is part of the process used in the making of brandy.
8.     To a Pole, this means a stew.
10.   A favourite Italian cheese eaten throughout the Western world.
11.   An Italian liqueur based on distillation of grape must.
12.   Liquid gold to a scotsman.
14.   First name of a famous Irish libation.
15.   The young version of the the roast meat.
16.   This veggie would be well suited at a funeral.


1.     Refers to the wheat used for making the best of Italian pasta.
3.     This garnish has a standard one and an Italian one and is used for flavour as well as decoration.
4.     A favourite way of serving potatoes for dinner.
5.     The cheese most often associated with dieting.
6.     "Mexican parsley"
7.     It is how Italians prefer to have their pasta cooked.
9.     These cookies are literally baked twice.
10.   The Irish eat them daily but Poles might compete well with the Irish.
12.   This process used to remove the fat from milk.
13.   Coupled with "au," it means prepare with cheese.
16.   Coopers would often use this material.

I have never tried this before. So for you readers who cannot solve the crossword, I say, "Get help!" or else write me for the solution. I hope I dont get innundated with solution requests.

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